Archiving and preservation for research environments

iPres 2020

The International Conference on Digital Preservation embraces a variety of topics in digital preservation - from strategy to implementation, and from international and regional initiatives to small organisations. Within this broad topic area, each year the conference defines a slightly different focus.

This year the conference focussing on digital preservation will not take place physically, but it will be replaced by #WeMissiPRES, a celebration and a conversation to bring the global digital preservation community together. It will be online, free to attend and open to all, so it will facilitate contributions from around the world where distance might inhibit participation, or from early career professionals who might not normally be able to afford travel and registration fees.

These three half days will feature a mix of presentations, lightning talks, panels, and participants interaction, all supported by social and networking opportunities.


Day 1: 22nd September

  • Updates since iPRES 2019
  • Selected topical presentations and lightning talks

Day 2: 23rd September 

  • Lightning talks from Digital Preservation Awards 2020 Finalists
  • Collaborations panel with digital preservation and allied networks, and supporters

Day 3: 24th September

  • Relaunch of iPRES 2020-2021 with conference themes for 2021 and ‘taster’ papers
  • An invitation to Beijing


ARCHIVER will hold a presentation titled “ARCHIVER - Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments”, introducing the project and the challenges it aims to address, summarizing the outcome of the design phase, and giving an overview of the five selected consortia’s architecture.

The introduction will be held by CERN, as lead procurer and coordinator of the project, and it will be followed by four of the solution providers showcasing the approaches they are developing.

ARCHIVER presentation will take place on Tuesday 22nd of September 2020, in the framework of the Best of Digital Preservation in 2020 theme, and will follow this agenda:

  • 10:15 CEST: João Fernandes, CERN – ARCHIVER - Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments
  • 10:25 CEST:  Roberta Svanetti, DEDAGROUP - ARCHIVER Platform for Long Term Data "X" Preservation
  • 10:35 CEST: Matthew Addis, Arkivum - Digital Preservation of Scientific Research at the Petabyte Scale and beyond
  • 12:15 CEST (Stream 1): Antonio Guillermo Martinez, LIBNOVA - Learnings from Artificial Intelligence applied to Digital Preservation (which is part of the Digital Preservation in 2021 session)
  • 12:15 CEST (Stream 4): Stephen Mackey, Piql and Hanne Mari Hindklev, NHA - Health data preserved in world-first archival project (which is part of the COVID 19 session)

Find the detailed program and register here.