Archiving and preservation for research environments

Building EOSC through the H2020 projects current status and future directions

Open Map

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) has been promoted and supported by the European Commission over several years since the adoption of the European Cloud Initiative in 2016. Through H2020 funding, the policy concepts are turned into the initial core technical infrastructure, tools and services of EOSC. EC also funded training and resources to enhance skills and laid the groundwork for the design of rules of participation and a governance framework. The governance structure has been established through the Governance and Executive Boards.

Collaboration and coordination between the EOSC-related H2020 projects involved is key and the next 18 months will see a number of key outputs delivered.

The workshop aims to increase the visibility of the EOSC-related projects funded by the DGs CNECT and RTD, explore their current state of achievement and discuss issues and potential regarding the next steps towards building the EOSC. In addition to all currently active EOSC-related projects funded from the H2020 programme by the DGs CNECT and RTD, the meeting also provides an opportunity to interact with the members of the Governance and Executive Boards and to understand the work done within these bodies.

Participation for this event was by invitation only.


ARCHIVER poster was showcased at the event during the two days - the poster is downloadable here